Sunday, June 22, 2008

10 weeks old!!!!

It is so hard to believe that she is already 10 weeks old

We fill like she has gotten so big already.
It seems like she has gotten really long.

She is still a little bit of a momma's girl,

but mostly we call her a daddy's girl.

Hey Dad, what did you do with that beer for my koozie!!!!

Riley really likes to walk around
with her chewie in her mouth just like this.

Shane showed her that she can now
get up to where Fenwick always sits.

Eating ice cream with dad.

Fishing on the River!!

Shane took Riley fishing on the river with Bass and Hofius.
First she got to meet Quattro and Shane the Great Dane.
She really enjoyed getting up and
looking over the edge of the boat.

Riley and Quattro looking out at the river.

Riley decided Shane's tackle box
looked like a good place to take a nap.

I think Quattro really wanted her
to get up and play some more.


We took Riley to Monday night softball to meet
her Uncle Shawn and Aunt Melissa.
The first time she pretty much slept the whole time.
When we took her a few weeks later she was more playful.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Pictures

Laying in the backyard

Sunday she figured out the arm of the couch and
thought she should lay on it like the cats.

Sunday nap

Riley and Fenwick

The other day Shane introduced her to the garden hose
and today she drank out of it and thought is was pretty fun to chase it around.

Riley and Mom

1st time in the boat

Checking out the leeches.

Shane caught this sunfish for the first fish of the day.
Mine was bigger but Riley thought this one was pretty cool.

Most of the time out on her first boat ride she pretty much just slept.

Shane and Riley bass fishing on saturday.
It was so cute to see her sit like this and watch him.

She discovered this little cubby hole in the boat
and climbed right in for another nap.


This is my first fish of the year

This year Shane told me that he would no longer bait my hook
because I was catching more fish than him.
So I had to learn to put my own leach on and I still caught more fish than him.
We took Riley fishing on Saturday and we ended up with 2 sunfish, 5 northerns and 1 bass.


2nd time swimming

1st time swimming Riley had no problem with it.
It was so cool seeing her swim her first time in the water.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Just some cute pictures

Taking a nap on the couch.

We just started giving her bones to chew on
and she seems to love them.

Playing fetch with the Pheasant.

Dad thought it would be cute to lay all her training birds next to her during her nap.
When she is sleeping she really doesn't seem to mind what you do to her.
We have had her for a week now and she has been really good.
She pretty much knows her name even though she chooses not to listen to us.
We were doing really good on the potty training but we think she has relapsed.
These last few days she has been really naught about not telling us she needs to go.
I am sure we will get the hang of it soon.

Playing fetch with the Goose

The other day Bryan came home with some toys for Riley.
He ended up getting her the stuffed Duck and Goose.
She already has the Pheasant so now we are already to start the training.

Remington comes to visit!!!!!

Riley had a friend come over Friday night and they played all night long.
Remington is a 8 week old weiner dog.
We thought Riley looked little but compared to Remi she is so big already.