Saturday, August 15, 2009

Pool and other fun stuff!!!!

Riley and Oakley
This is the most recent picture of the two of them.
As you can see Oakley is getting so big.

Oakley finally sitting still so I can get a cute picture.

I think they have a ball somewhere under
them that they are playing with.

Oakley loves the water.
She even bites at the sprinkler when it is on.

Looking out into the yard.
As you can see Oakley is catching up to Riley very quickly.

Grandma Sheila bought the girls a pool when she was here in June.
Riley didn't want anything to do with the pool and now she loves it.
Playing with the ball splashing around.

Oakley with the garden hose again.

Both of them in the pool.
Thank you grandma we love our pool.
Can't wait to show you next time you visit.

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